Главная страница » GEGHAROT WATERFALL
Gegharot waterfall is located at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level, on the slopes of Aragats mountain, 11 km north-west of Aragats village. The waterfall descending from a height of 17 m is located on the Gegharot tributary of the Kasakh River. The waters are cold. It freezes in winter. It is very similar to Trchkan waterfall.
From the northern peak of Mount Aragats, we descend through the crater to Gegharot waterfall. The most interesting part of that trip is when you witness how the Gegharot river starts from the eastern slopes, which, speeding up its flow below, dethrones the rocks, creating the Gegharot waterfall. The latter is registered in the list of natural monuments of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection. In winter, the waterfall freezes, and in spring and summer months, it descends from a height of about 17 m, being one of the favorite and cool places of tourists.
In 2008, Gegharot waterfall was included in the list of state natural monuments.
The article was compiled based on observations and materials collected by the ArmLand club.
Author of photos: Artyom Martirosyan